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Bring in in a sentence

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Sentence count:202+3Posted:2016-07-18Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: bringclearearnfetchgainintroducemakepull inrealiserealizetake inSimilar words: engineeringcoming inbringbring upbring outbring downbring backbring aboutMeaning: v. 1. bring in a new person or object into a familiar environment 2. earn on some commercial or business transaction; earn as salary or wages 3. be sold for a certain price 4. submit (a verdict) to a court 5. transmit. 
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151 Retailers will have to mark down prices sharply to bring in sales.
152 Know that as you do this, your efforts are increased a thousandfold and we of the Ascended realms join with you, and the Angels sing the notes that will bring in the alignment to GalacticCenter.
153 Nonetheless, for several reasons America is where the big record labels and Sound Exchange, the collection agency representing them, are fighting hardest to bring in more money.
154 Might he bring in an experienced, midfield destroyer dovetail with Cesc F á bregas?
155 We will bring in a measure to be thrifty with raw materials.
156 This spot welder bring in advanced technique of procedure to control circuit with stable characteristics and simple to operate.
157 " I wish he'd bring in more hospital supplies and less hoop skirts and lace.
158 The show, which is banking on the power of Disney's tween megahit franchise to bring in viewers,( is set to debut in June.
159 "Toiletries, clothing — people could bring in just about anything, " said John Spears, the director of the Joliet library.
160 The Magpies boss has failed to bring in a single new face during the close season and the Tyneside support are anxiously awaiting news of which players will be arriving at St James' Park.
161 We grew cotton, sugar cane, corn, hogs1, chickens and had a large garden, but it didn't bring in much cash. So when I was 12, I got a parttime job on a dairy farm down the road, helping to milk cows.
162 Take steps to shorten your cash flow conversion period, so your business can bring in money faster. These steps may include.
163 We bring in new customers to you via our platform and our promotion using a discount coupon.
164 This morning oil broke short term trendline support at $44.50 in thin volume and a failure to hold this level could bring in further technical selling targeting the "Christmas" lows of $36.20.
165 An account dimension is needed to bring in interest rate and investment return information.
166 We have some good young players in all positions so what I have done is bring in youth in Antonio and Gabriel and an old codger in Michael.
167 The jury took 23 hours to bring in its verdict.
168 For the calculation of the viscosity coefficient, bring in the Baldwin - Lomax algebra fast flow model.
169 Some banks restrict the use of funds to down payments on a house as a way to bring in business to their mortgage arms.
170 Never mind, he had just described it as a great way to bring in users but not a great way to make know, the definition of a loss leader.
171 Give us the right to be young. kaleidoscopic painting we will bring in the youth.
172 He memorized the sales talk which he hoped would bring in large orders.
173 Can you trust him to bring in your grain and gather it to your threshing floor?
174 There should be a shopping service to stock the apartment kitchen with essentials and bring in carry-out food, as well a car service to drive people around town.
175 It will spice up the party if we bring in some unlawful drugs.
176 The risk is that they bring in bad policies. One such would be maintaining the government's support for Mr Kamei's ill-conceived reversal of the postal privatisation.
177 They burn him in effigy to away the gloom and bring in a new , better year.
178 On the restaurant's interior, the steel beams support roof and the beams also accommodate several strip-shaped clerestory windows which bring in natural light and view from outside.
179 The move will ease the way for businesses to bring in more skilled and semi-skilled foreign workers to fill occupations such as child care, aged care and scaffolding.
180 We absorb the advanced technology in designing and in production from overseas and domestic market, and bring in the latest equipment for pattern making.
More similar words: engineeringcoming inbringbring upbring outbring downbring backbring aboutbring togetherbring forwardengineengineerringmanagingemergingdebuggingring outring upstringduringencouragingofferingmotheringgatheringdischargingspring upbearingspioneeringfilteringat the beginning
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